[nobe-l] Administration of Standardized Assessments

taranabella0 at gmail.com taranabella0 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 02:21:50 UTC 2017

Hello all,

I was wondering how all of you go about administering standardized tests. I know I have asked this question once before, but I have done some research and I am still a bit stumped. At the school where I am student teaching, standardized tests must be administered by A licensed teacher. This may differ in other school buildings, but in the school where I am now and in other schools I have read about, this is the case. Also, I will soon be interviewing for teaching positions at our teacher job fair, and if asked in an interview how I will administer standardized assessments, I would not be able to say I would delegate this task to a para. Even if this was allowed by the school district, especially if I except a general education position someone might not be available to assist with this. For the third-grade students I am working with in special education, three separate standardized assessments are given throughout the year, 2 of which are given multiple times throughout the school year. Administration of these assessments and analyzing the data is an important part of teaching. I would really appreciate any responses, especially since in our building we have student starting testing as young as kindergarten and going through high school.

Thanks so much,


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