[NOBE-L] Seesaw

Jackie Larrauri ixchel.jackie.larrauri at gmail.com
Sun Feb 9 01:51:50 UTC 2020

I am currently in a third grade practicum as well as in all of my methods courses. I have noticed that in my current placement they use a lot of technology including seesaw. I know for a fact that we will also be using the seesaw, or at least examining it for my social studies methods course. As such I was wondering whether or not seesaw is accessible with a screen reader? I am also curious as to what educational apps you know of that are or are not accessible with voiceover. I am specifically thinking of things such as myOn, Class Dojo, Epic, IXL, Epic, Reflex, and google classroom.
Thank you all,
Jackie Larrauri

Sent from my iPhone

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