[NOBE-L] 2022 Annual NOBE Seminar Registration

Kayleigh Joiner kayleigh281 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 18 13:17:51 UTC 2022

*2022 National Convention Division Meeting and Seminar*

Thursday, July 7th from 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm

*Registration Ends: June 30th*

The NFB national convention will be back in person this year, in New
Orleans, Louisiana! This includes the meeting of the National Organization
of Blind Educators.

Our annual seminar and business meeting will be held on July 7th, from
1:30-4:00 PM, room TBA. The NFB National Convention agenda will be
available soon at the link below,


At our annual seminar, blind teachers discuss techniques they use in their
classrooms; participants also meet in groups specific to grade level and
content areas of interest to create a network of mentors. If you teach or
are considering a career in teaching at any level, please join us!

In order to participate fully in the division’s seminar activities,
including voting, you must pre-register by June 30. Your registration
includes your annual dues, so if you are a current member and need to make
this annual contribution to our division, please do so at the same link


Your registration and dues ($10 for professionals, $5 for students), will
allow you to be a voting member of the division and participate fully in
our seminar on July 7   Please note that while some convention events will
be streamed via the Internet, our division meeting will be live and in
person rather than held virtually.

*Please Note:* Registration for the NOBE seminar is completely separate
from your National Convention Registration. Although you may have
registered for National Convention, you must pay your NOBE dues and
register at the link above in order to vote and participate fully in the
seminar of the National Organization of Blind Educators.

Please also note that if you registered for the NOBE Seminar in 2021 at our
virtual convention, you do not need to register again this year. This is a
one-time rollover because in January 2023 we will begin counting our annual
business year from January to December, instead of July to July as has been
the case previously.  So to avoid asking people to pay dues for a six-month
membership, we extended the 2021 membership through the end of this year.
Only those who did not pay dues in 2021 must register and pay dues for this
year‘s seminar.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone in New Orleans!


Kayleigh Joiner

NOBE Board Member

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