[NOBE-L] Reminder: NOBE Dues deadline 6.25

Catherine Mendez caitryl at gmail.com
Mon Jun 19 14:20:54 UTC 2023

Hello again, everyone,
This is just another friendly reminder that in order to keep our division up and running and recognized as a division of the national Federation of the blind, we all need to make sure that we pay our annual five dollar membership dues. Please make sure that you visit the link below before June 25 and submit your dues. Being an active member will allow you to run for office, to vote, and to fully participate in our division events. Our next meeting will be at the NFB National Convention in Houston on July 3.  We look forward to seeing everyone there! Please pay your dues.


Cayte Mendez
President, National Organization of Blind Educators, A division of the National Federation of the Blind

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