[Nyabs] August Minutes

Lucy Cox septembergirl95 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 05:33:52 UTC 2010

August 11, 2010
Attendees: Rob, Will, Alex, Lucy, Nihal, 
Committee Updates:
Membership Rob gave a report on the Web site.  There are Technical issues with NFB.net.  He will check with Mike  Robinson  

about Using  space on state server.  Other options include Microsoft option or non ad sites, and getting a paid site. 
Rob is reaching out to other students. Calling colleges and  plans to create a pamphlet to send to the Commission.  Alex will 

obtain pamphlet that NFBNY currently supplies to the Commission to use as example. 
Nihal  suggest purchasing small gifts to sell. She will check on her resources for possibilities. 
We will be conducting a 50/50 drawing at the state convention. Will and Nihal volunteered to help braille tickets. Rob 

suggested that we get Whozit water bottles from National to sell at some point in the future. Lucy recommended that we get a 

table at the technology fair to sell items. Rob said we will sell 50/50 tickets at the banquet. Alex wants to have a social 

event at the state convention. Rob will check on transportation details.

Will is setting up twitter and facebook accounts. Will,  Rob and Tommy will work out logistics of Facebook and the email 

account that will be used for these services..

Vote for NFB's Youth Slam Program   to receive $250,000 grant from Pepsi.

Rob suggested that we get more involved with the parents division. Alex will talk with Maria to schedule speakers for both 

the student division meeting and for the parents division meting. Alex also wants the student division to begin making 

presentations at high schools to reach out to blind and visually impaired students. Lucy suggested that a mentoring program 

be started. 

Rob advocated for the Bell Program to be brought to New York. Since braille literacy is declining, it is critical to 

strengthen the resources we have and offer younger students the necessary skills to be literate.

Issues and concerns
Rob  started a discussion on captcha's and how they are somewhat accessible for the blind, but seldom accessible for the 

deaf-blind. We talked about other options which could be implemented such as asking a basic mathematical question.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:40.

septembergirl95 at gmail.com

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked. 
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