[Nyabs] Fwd: please read

Alexander Castillo alexandera.castillo at gmail.com
Wed Aug 18 15:10:12 UTC 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: danielle <mauidf81 at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 23:18:06 -0500
Subject: please read
Cc: mauidf81 at gmail.com

Hi everyone,

 I got this email from someone and hope you will pass it on. Please help in


Danielle Fernandez

Help the 2011 NFB Youth Slam Receive a Grant of $250,000 from the Pepsi
Refresh Project!

As many of you already know, now is your chance to help the National
Federation of the Blind (NFB) bring in a grant award of $250,000 by casting
daily votes for our 2011 NFB Youth Slam in the Pepsi Refresh project. The
2011 NFB Youth Slam, similar to its predecessors in 2007 and 2009, will be a
science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) academy for blind high
school youth. Too often, blind students are needlessly excluded from these
subjects in the classroom because many mistakenly believe STEM fields to be
dependent upon sight. In response, one hundred fifty blind high school youth
will join blind STEM professionals, mentors, and other experts in the field
at the University of Maryland College Park for a week of hands-on activities
designed to show how simple accommodations can be made to facilitate the
complete inclusion of blind students in science.

You can help make this program a reality with your commitment to vote daily.
There are three ways to vote:

1.    Text Message: Simply put the number 101913 into the body of a text,
and send that text to 73774. That's all you have to do each day to vote via
text. *Standard text-messaging rates apply

2.    Go to www.refresheverything.com/nfbyouthslam, click the link to vote,
and then choose the log in using Facebook option. Once you're successfully
logged in, click the vote button on our page again and the vote link will
disappear and you'll have logged your vote!

3.    Go to www.refresheverything.com/nfbyouthslam, click the link to vote,
and then choose the sign in directly with Pepsi     option. This option is
the least desirable option, but with practice still can be done in less than
a minute each day. An audio CAPTCHA is necessary for completing this option,
but only this option requires the CAPTCHA. If you do not wish to solve a
CAPTCHA (and do not have the ability to text), please use the Facebook
option, even if you simply create a Facebook account to vote for this month
and deactivate it once we have won.

There are detailed instructions for users who choose to vote using the
online method and who will use screen reading software on our Web site at
<http://www.nfb.org/nfb/NewsBot.asp?MODE=VIEW&ID=636> &ID=636, and a link to
sign up for daily e-mail reminders can be found on www.nfb.org. The project
is currently hovering around the low 30s in the rankings, and we need to be
in the top two to receive the grant. We need your help to get there, and we
need you to spread the word to your family, friends, church members, social
clubs, and through Facebook, Twitter, and e-mails to everyone you know.
Thank you for your support of the NFB and its important efforts to breakdown
barriers and create opportunities for blind people of all ages.

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