[Nyabs] sponsorship

Alexander Castillo alexandera.castillo at gmail.com
Sat Dec 11 00:33:18 UTC 2010

Hello Justin, I will put your name down  as an interested student.

Generally, If you are not given sponsorship to attend, there are
always students who are more than willing to share the cost of hotel
accommodations. If you would like to attend, I would start asking
around on the NABS   list for roomates as soon as possible.

As an alternative, there are hotels around the DC area which are not
as expensive and only about a 20 to 30 minute commute by subway, or
about a $10 or so cab ride, which may again be shared.

>From NYC, you can take a comfortable 3 and a half hour bus ride to DC
for about $20 round trip if you book tickets early. Try
www.megabus.com for good deals.

That's how I will be getting there and if anyone would like to take
the same bus, the more the merrier....

Thanks for reading,

On 12/10/10, Jorge Paez <jorgeapaez at mac.com> wrote:
> You can get sponsorship?
> If so, what would I need to do?
> I'm interested in going too.
> Thanks,
> Jorge
> On Dec 10, 2010, at 6:45 PM, Kate Carroll wrote:
>> Alex,
>> I am going to try and be at Washington Seminar; did you ask Carl to
>> sponsor me for the trip? I would greatly appreciate it.
>> --
>> Kathryn CARROLL
>> St. John's University College of Law 2013
>> 631-521-3018
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