[Nyabs] next nyabs phone conference

Rob Blachowicz rob_blach at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 13 02:02:36 UTC 2011

IWill like to take this opertunity to anounce my resignation from the office 
of the devision.  I will continue to be a member and will attend confrences 
when I can.  I have took a great deal of thought into this choice over the 
past few months and have decided that at this time, these activities with 
NFB are setting back other personal goals.
I thank all of you for your support and understanding.
Rob Blachowicz
-----Original Message----- 
From: Alexander Castillo
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 9:15 PM
To: New York Association of Blind Students Discussion List
Subject: [Nyabs] next nyabs phone conference

Hi all, our next phone conference will take place  on April 13th 2011.

The phone number to call is


and the access code is


Please inform me if you will not be available, as  our discussion will
involve what we will be doing in the next couple of months.

Our agenda wil be as folows:

9:45 check in
9:55 committee overview
10:05 NYABS getting on track

Thanks for reading and miss you all,

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