[Nyabs] NJABS student seminar flyer

Kate Carroll carroll.kathryn.e at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 01:47:22 UTC 2011

Hi all,

Per Carla's request, I am re-sending the flyer for the NJABS event. It is in
.docx format, fyi, it should work. I am also pasting the contents in this
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE RSVP if you think you can make it. Let's do this!


*Aim High, Achieve Higher!*

*NJABS Student Convention***

* *

*Where:* Bergen Academy

200 Hackensack Avenue Hackensack, NJ 07601

* *

*When:* Sunday May 22, 2011

* *

*Time:* 9:00am – 5:00pm

Spring is here and with it comes warmer weather, longer days, and our
first-ever Student Convention sponsored by the New Jersey Association of
Blind Students! This will be a day full of exciting hands on interactive
activities, extraordinary presenters, for high school and college students.
If taking control of your future is what you desire, then this is something
you don’t want to miss!

For more information, please call President Evelyn Valdez at   908-803-4891
or VP Shafeka Hashash at 551-697-1568 or email us at njabstudents at gmail.com.

You can also visit us at www.facebook.com/NJABSTUDENTS

We hope to see you there!!!

Kathryn Carroll
St. John's University School of Law 2013
(Ph.) 347-455-1521
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