[Nyabs] National association of Blind Students presents: all about scholarships-a membership call.
Darian Smith
dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 14:30:07 UTC 2011
Hello all,
As everyone prepares to tackle a new year, getting squared away for
another semester of lost sleep due to endless studying in this cycle
we know so well
by now, your beloved membership committee has been hard at work
putting together another outstanding conference call for you. This one
should definitely
perk your ears because it’s all about scholarships. We will have
Patty Chang from the NFB scholarship committee, Mark Lucas from
USABA, and RFB&D’s own Melissa Greenwald
will join us as well.
Be sure to call in to get your hands on some exciting and useful info.
Who: The National Association of Blind Students Membership Committee
What: Conference call about scholarships
When: Sunday January 23, 2011 at 7:00 PM ET
Where: (712) 775-7100, followed by the passcode 257963
Why: Because who couldn’t use more money for books, food, and survival?
As always,we hope to see you all there , but if you can’t make it, we
will be streaming and recording the call for your use at a future
date. Looking forward
to a wonderful conversation with all of you. See you there!
Nabs Membership committee.
Darian Smith
Membership Chair
Board Member, National Association of Blind Students
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are
spiritual beings having a human experience.” - Teilhard de Chardin
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