[Nyabs] Our next phone conference

Alexander Castillo alexandera.castillo at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 02:08:00 UTC 2011

Hi all, our first NYABS phone confeerence of 2011 is scheduled for
this Wednesday January 12th at 9:45 pm. It's the start of a new year
and a new semester, so join us and share your suggestions,  comments,
and ideas.  The dial in number is

and the access code is


Our agenda will be as follows:

9:45- introduction and minutes
9:55- committee overview
10:05- Plans for student seminar 2011
10:20 issues and concerns

Thanks for reading,

On 1/11/11, Alexander Castillo <alexandera.castillo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, our first NYABS phone confeerence of 2011 is scheduled for
> this Wednesday January 12th at 9:45 pm. It's the start of a new year
> and a new semester, so join us and share your suggestions,  comments,
> and ideas.  The dial in number is
> 305-848-8888
> and the access code is
> 7167041331.
> Our agenda will be as follows:
> 9:45- introduction and minutes
> 9:55- committee overview
> 10:05- Plans for student seminar 2011
> 10:20 issues and concerns
> Thanks for reading,
> Alex

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