[Nyabs] Help and Photos wanted for the nabs website!

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Sun May 29 18:02:14 UTC 2011

 Greetings fellow students!

The Nabs website committee needs your   help with  the following:

 Nabs is looking for photos from students and student divisions for
inclusion on our nabslink (www.nabslink.org) website!
 We would love to have photos of you( with your cane or dog), in the
community, on campus, or at a student seminar.
 Photos should be  of good quality and can be sent to nabslink web
coordinator Meghan  Whalen at: mewhalen at gmail.com. Please  remember to
submit photos with a caption  briefly explaining location, activity,
and persons included in the photograph(s).
 Additionally, should you have  any expertise in websites, please feel
free to contact Meghan about that, too.
 Thank you, and we appreciate your help!
 The National  Association of Blind Students

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