[Nyabs] board meeting

Kathryn Carroll carroll.kathryn.e at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 16:52:24 UTC 2011


As those involved should be aware, there will be a Board Meeting
conference call tomorrow evening at 9:45 pm. The call is just for the
current coard to discuss administrative things and so everyone else doesn't
need to attend if they don't need to.

Our current board consists of: Alex Castillo, Lucy Cox, Chancey Fleet, and
Kathryn Carroll (myself).

The call snofrmation is:
1 (858) 200-4900
access code 906-9229

If anyone runs into a conflict (although I checked with everyone so this
should not be a problem) PLEASE tell soembody because we need everyone to
be involved/ we will miss you too much to be productive. *smile*

The agenda will be:

1. Elections
2. Seminar
3. Other events

Go team!

Kathryn Carroll
St. John's University School of Law 2013
(Ph.) 347-455-1521
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