[Nyabs] *For High School Students Only!* Nabs high school committee presents: Standerdized tests 101

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 19:07:22 UTC 2011

Attention All High School Students

Are you planning to take the ACT or SAT?

Do you want to learn the differences between the ACT and SAT?

Do you want to learn the benefits of both?

Are you wondering how to study, or where to find study materials?

If you have any of these questions or are wondering other things
having to do with the ACT and SAT, join guest speaker Eric Guillory
and the high school
committee on November 20, at 6:00 p.m eastern.

Call: 712-775-7100

Pass code: 257963

Bre Brown
NABS High School Chair

Darian Smith

"To dream what is possible and to put oneself in service of that dream is the
for a life well lived."

- Dr. Peter Benson

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