[Nyabs] Reminder: The National Association of Blind Students Presents: The ABC's of nabs Reps.

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 18:58:29 UTC 2011

 Hello Fellow Students:

     We, the NABS Membership Committee, would like to take this time to
 introduce to you the topic for September’s Membership call: The ABC’s
 of NABS Reps!

     “What exactly is a NABS rep and what do they do?”

     “Why request to have a NABS rep at my student division meeting at
 state convention or another such student event?”

     “Okay, so I have decided that I want a rep to come, how do I go
 about requesting one?”

     If you have asked yourself any or all of the above questions or
 others like it from time to time, than this call is for you! Many
 states are having
 their conventions around this time, and so timing could not be any
 better! (We think so, anyway!).

 What: The ABC’s of NABS Reps

 When: Sunday, September 11, 7:00 PM Eastern.

 Where: The NABS conference line: (712) 775-7100, access code 257963.

     Please consider joining what we hope to be a very informative call.


 The NABS Membership Committee

 Darian Smith

 "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
 - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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