[Nyabs] List of States and Nabs Reps.

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 03:35:04 UTC 2011

Greetings all,
  As Promised, Here is a list of nabs reps and the state they serve.
 If you need to contact  your particular rep, their information can be
found on the nabs  website (www.nabslink.org).
 Please feel free to share this information with your affiliate
president as well.
 Thank you, and I hope this is of great help to you

Alabama:           Shelby Ball

Alaska: Dominique Lawless

Arizona:  Darian Smith

Arkansas:  Candice Chapman

California: Darian Smith

Colorado: Darian Smith

Connecticut: Briley Pollard

Delaware: Briley Pollard

Florida: Shelby Ball

Georgia: Shelby Ball

Hawaii: Darian Smith

Idaho: Dominique Lawless

Illinois: Cindy Bennett

Indiana: Cindy Bennett

Iowa: Cindy Bennett

Kansas: Meghan Whalen

Kentucky: Candice Chapman

Louisiana Candice Chapman

Maine:  Briley Pollard

Maryland: Karen Anderson

Massachusetts: Briley Pollard

Michigan: Cindy Bennett

Minnesota: Cindy Bennett

Mississippi: Candice Chapman

Missouri: Candice Chapman

Montana: Dominique Lawless

Nebraska: Meghan   Whalen

Nevada: Darian Smith

New Hampshire: Briley Pollard

New Jersey: Briley Pollard

New Mexico: Darian Smith

New York: Karen Anderson

North Carolina: Shelby Ball

North Dakota: Meghan Whalen

Ohio: Cindy Bennett

Oklahoma:  Meghan           Whalen

Oregon: Dominique Lawless

Pennsylvania: Karen Anderson

Rhode Island:  Briley Pollard

South Carolina:  Shelby Ball

South Dakota: Meghan Whalen

Tennessee: Candice Chapman

Texas: Meghan Whalen

Utah: Darian Smith

Vermont: Briley Pollard

Virginia: Karen Anderson

Washington: Dominique Lawless

West Virginia: Karen Anderson

Wisconsin: Cindy Bennett

Wyoming:  Dominique Lawless

District of Columbia: Karen Anderson

Porto Rico: Shelby Ball

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