Nihal Erkan nihal_erkan at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 25 18:05:49 UTC 2015

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Robert Acosta via Nfbnet-members-list <nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org>
> Date: February 24, 2015 at 5:03:15 PM EST
> To: nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org
> Reply-To: Robert Acosta <boacosta at pacbell.net>
> TEK TALK FEATURES JENNIFER DUNNAM CHAIR OF THE BRAILLE AUTHORITY OF NORTH AMERICA, THE TRANSITION TO UNIFIED ENGLISH  BRAILLE IN THE UNITED STATES has been posted to the Tek Talk Archives Archives and can also be found on the front page of http://accessibleworld.org/ under the "Recent Content" heading.
> The link to the full description of the archive is below:
> http://accessibleworld.org/content/tek-talk-features-jennifer-dunnam-chair-braille-authority-north-america-transition-unified-0 
> The link to download the file is below:
> http://accessibleworld.org/sites/default/files/tt-02-23-15-transition-ueb.mp3 
> Tek Talk Archives description:
> This presentation will focus on the transition to Unified English Braille in the United States. Specific topics will include some background on the Braille Authority of North America; the general reasons for the transition to UEB; progress to date on implementation; some of the specific differences that will be most noticeable to braille readers; UEB and technology; where to get books and other documents in UEB; currently available instructional resources; and how to learn more. Questions from the audience most welcome.
> Jennifer Dunnam has represented the National Federation of the Blind on the board of the Braille Authority of North America since 2004 and currently serves as the chair of BANA. A lifelong braille reader and certified braille transcriber, she coordinates the courses leading to the certification of braille transcribers and proofreaders offered by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress. She previously coordinated the production of braille and other alternative formats for the University of Minnesota, and taught braille to blind adults at Blindness:
> Learning in New Dimensions (BLIND) Incorporated. She is the author of The Slate Book:
> A Guide to the Braille Slate and Stylus.
> Jennifer Dunnam
> chair at brailleauthority.org 
> 612-767-5658
> www.brailleauthority.org
> Follow Accessible World on Twitter:
> http://www.twitter.com/accessibleWrld
> The Accessible World, a division of Helping Hands For The Blind, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, seeks to educate the general public, the disabled community and the professionals who serve them by providing highly relevant information about new products, services, and training opportunities designed specifically to eliminate geographic and access barriers that adversely affect them.
> http://accessibleworld.org/
> Robert Acosta, President
> Helping Hands for the Blind
> (818) 998-0044
> www.helpinghands4theblind.org
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