[Nyabs] Fwd: Work shop of Unified English Braille at Endrew Heiskell Library On this Thirsday July 30Th 2015

Nihal Erkan nihal_erkan at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 28 21:37:32 UTC 2015

Hello Everyone,
> In 2016, January, we are going to start using Unified English Braille which has been introduced By Braille authority of America As known as BANA. Before Hand, We like to Invite all to look at How we will be effected by  this new coad  system. Please spread  the word.  Here is the introduction  to the event.
> Thursday, July 30, 2015, 4 p.m./6:30 P.M. 
> Please join us for an informative, interactive workshop that will acquaint you with upcoming changes to the English Braille code. The Unified English Braille (UEB) code will replace Grade II Literary Braille as the official Braille code in the United States in January 2016. This workshop will cover the following topics:
> ·  What is the Braille Authority of North America (BANA), and why is UED the new standard?
> ·  How is UEB similar to Grade II Literary Braille, and how hard will it be to learn?
> ·  How does UEB change contractions, short-form words, formatting and punctuation?
> ·  Has math and computer-related content changed?
> ·  What will the transition beginning in 2016 involve? How will it affect blind children, adult learners, teachers of visually impaired students, and rehabilitation professionals?
> ·  How will this affect existing library holdings?
> ·  How will this affect digital devices, like note-takers and screen readers that work with Braille?
> ·  How can you learn and study UEB? How can you try it on the digital devices you already own?
> We will have slates, styluses, and Braillers on hand; and will provide plenty of hands-on practice with the UEB code. We will also spend some hands-on time showing you how you can enable UEB on your Braille-capable note-taker, iOS device, or screen reader, so feel free to bring along your assistive technology of choice. 
> More Info
> Audience: Adults, 50+, College & Graduate Students, Parents/Caregivers, Persons with Disabilities, Teachers, Teens/Young Adults (13-18 years), Young Adults/Pre GED (16-24 years), Adults
> How to register: Phone - Please call or email to register. 212-621-0627 or chanceyfleet at nypl.org
> Drections 
> Address: West 40 20th Street New York NY 
> Between fifth and sixth Avenue. Subway: (F) Train get off at 23th Street station, Then, walk Three blocks on sixth avenue up to 20Th street. Turn Left. It is on the write site of the street. 
> (N & R) Trains get off at 23th street station walk three block on fifth avenue and turn write The library will be on your left. 
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