[NYABS] National Convention Registration Deadline June 15

NYABS Division nyabsdivision at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 00:13:02 UTC 2020

Hi All!

This is a friendly reminder if you haven't done already to please
register for the 2020 Virtual National Convention which the deadline
is tomorrow!  This may be done using the following link:


If you haven't heard, this year's National Convention for the first
time ever is going virtual because of the COVID situation going on in
the World.  This Convention will be using Zoom as the platform, but it
is uncertain how they will manage the various meetings occurring
throughout the Convention.  It will take place from July 14-18 and
will have sessions in the evening time with the current understanding
that events will end by 10pm Eastern Time.  The agenda has not yet
been released, but according to President Riccobono it should be
released sometime during the week of June 25.  Since this National
Convention is virtual and extremely low cost if not completely free
the goal is to get as many people registered as possible!  I
understand any concerns about this is a long time to be connected to a
phone/computer so it is understood if you are not able to attend the
entire Convention, but if you register, we hope you are able to attend
as much as possible!

Tomorrow is the deadline for everyone to register and again if you
haven't done so already, this is a friendly reminder!  I hope somehow
our paths cross if you attend this Convention!


Justin Young
President, NYABS

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