Hi everyone,<br><br>This is an email about seminar. I spoke to Carl this morning, and the NYC Chapter will most definitely pick up the cost of food at our seminar on the 6th. We contemplated the possibility of 50 people showing up, spending $5 per person on food, and therefore spending approx. $250 on that. So, whoever is looking into food (Nihal, I believe), we'll just need to let the chapter know if we expect to spend more than that. <br>
<br>Also, there are some questions we need answers to:<br><br>1. Will the library allow us to bring food in from outside?<br>2. Will there be a microphone available at the library for the person speaking to use?<br>3. Does the library have chairs or tables we can borrow for seminar? <br>
<br>Valeria, do you know the answer to any of these questions?<br><br>additionally....<br>4. I need the name of the contact person for New Jersey Parents of Blind Children. Kristina, do you have that?<br><br>I will also be forwarding the flyer that Amanda to Carl who will get it to CBVH tomorrow for distribution to blind students. <br>
<br>Thanks,<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div>Kathryn Carroll</div><div>St. John's University School of Law 2013<br>(Ph.) 347-455-1521<br></div><div style="padding:0px;text-align:left;color:black;line-height:130%;overflow:hidden;font-size:10px;margin-top:0px;margin-left:0px;word-wrap:break-word">