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<font color="#000000" face="Arial" id="role_document" size="2">Through the Looking Glass and its National Center for Parents with Disabilities<br /> and their Families are pleased to announce new scholarships specifically for<br /> high school seniors or college students who have parents with disabilities. A<br /> total of fifteen $1000 scholarships will be given out Fall 2013. These<br /> scholarships are part of Through the Looking Glass's National Center for<br /> Parents with Disabilities and their Families. There are separate eligibility<br /> requirements for high school seniors and for college students:<br /> <br /> 1. High School Seniors. To be eligible, a student must be a high school<br /> graduate (or graduating senior) by Summer 2013, planning to attend a two-year or<br /> four-year college in Fall 2013 in pursuit of an AA, AS, BA or BS degree, and<br /> have at least one parent with a disability.<br /> <br /> 2. College Students. To be eligible, a student must be currently enrolled in a<br /> two-year or four-year college in Fall 2013 in pursuit of an AA, AS, BA or BS<br /> degree, be 21 years of age or younger as of March 11, 2013, and have at least<br /> one parent with a disability.<br /> <br /> All application materials must be postmarked by March 11, 2013. Individuals<br /> may submit only one application per award period. <br /> <br /> Selection criteria for all scholarships include academic performance, community<br /> activities and service, letter of recommendation and an essay describing the<br /> experience of growing up with a parent with a disability. Five of the fifteen<br /> scholarships will also consider financial hardship and academic potential in<br /> addition to the other selection criteria.<br /> <br /> Please go to our website: <a href="http://www.lookingglass.org" style="COLOR: rgb(145,54,173);" target="_blank">http://www.lookingglass.org</a> for more information,<br /> including the application form, complete application directions and an FAQ page<br /> that answers many common questions as well as offers helpful suggestions.<br /> <br /> Thanks,<br /> Scholarships Coordinator<br /> Through the Looking Glass<br /> The National Center for Parents with Disabilities and their Families<br /> 3075 Adeline Street, Suite 120<br /> Berkeley, CAÂ 94703<br /> (800) 644-2666 (voice)<br /> (510) 848-1005 (TDD/TTY)<br /> FAX: (510) 848-4445<br /> Website: <a href="http://www.lookingglass.org/" style="COLOR: rgb(145,54,173);" target="_blank">http://www.lookingglass.org/</a> </font>
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