See below for DIA meeting information.
<br />
<br />
<p dir="ltr" style="margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"> <span class="signature"> </span></p>
<p style="margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt"> <span class="signature"><b><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">Kathryn Carroll
<span class="signature">
<u1:p></u1:p> </span>
<p style="margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt;"> <span class="signature"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap">Intern, <a href="http://www.one-billion-strong.org/site/1/Home">One Billion Strong</a>
<u1:p></u1:p></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
<p style="margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt;"> <span class="signature"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap">J.D. Candidate, St. John's University School of Law Class of 2013</span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
<span class="signature">
<u1:p></u1:p> </span>
<p style="margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt;"> <span class="signature"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap">Google Voice: (347) 455-1521</span>
<span class="signature">
<u1:p></u1:p> </span>
<p style="margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt"> <span class="signature"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">Fax: (347) 620-6086</span><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
<p style="margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt;"> <span class="signature"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap">Social Media: <a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/kathryncarroll">My LinkedIn Profile</a>, <a href="http://carrollkathryne.wix.com/kathryncarroll" style="cursor: pointer;">My Site</a>, or <a href="http://www.connectw.me/at/kc2992a">ConnectWithMe</a>
<u1:p></u1:p></span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
<p style="margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt;"> <span class="signature"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap">Make an <a href="http://doodle.com/kathryncarroll">Appointment</a> with Me</span></span><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
<br />
<br />
<hr />
<a href="mailto:Luda Demikhovskaya (ld261@optonline.net)" style="cursor: pointer;">Luda Demikhovskaya (ld261@optonline.net)</a>
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<b>Sent:</b> Monday, May 13, 2013 08:44 AM
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<b>Subject</b>: [Disabilities Network of NYC] DISABLED IN ACTION of Metropolitan New York MEETING Sunday, MAY 19, 2013
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<div style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt;FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial';COLOR: #000000;">
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>DISABLED IN ACTION of Metropolitan New York MEETING Sunday, </span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> MAY 19<span>, 2013 - 1:30-4:00 PM at Selis Manor, 1st Floor Auditorium</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>135 West 23rd Street (bet. 6th and 7th Ave)</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>–---------------------------</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>DIA BOARD MEETING starts at 12 noon; general meeting starts at 1:30-4:00 pm!</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>In the event of bad weather, visit www.disabledinaction.org or call</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>718-261-3737 to inquire about meeting cancellation.</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>Come and join DIA, a civil rights organization committed to ending</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>discrimination against people with disabilities — all disabilities and</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>fighting to eliminate the barriers that prevent us from enjoying full</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>equality in American society.</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>We believe in the motto, "Nothing about us without us!"</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>Everyone is welcome.</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>Refreshments will be served.</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>Please consider joining DIA or renewing your membership for 2013.</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>Dues are $10-$25 based on what you can afford. Make check or money order</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>payable to DIA; write 2013 dues in the memo area. Be sure to write your</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>full name and complete mailing address on a sheet of paper and enclose with</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>your check or money order, or you can print out the form at the web site</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>(found at the bottom left of the home page). </span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>DIA is Disabled In Action of Metropolitan New York web site <a href="http://www.disabledinaction.org" target="_blank"><span><font color="#3333ff">www.disabledinaction.org</font></span></a></span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>If you're on Twitter, please follow these accounts:</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>Disabled In Action</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span><a href="http://www.twitter.com/DIA_NewYork" target="_blank"><span><font color="#3333ff">http://www.twitter.com/DIA_NewYork</font></span></a></span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>One-year membership spans the calendar year, January-December.</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>Mail payment to:</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>DIA</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>P.O. Box 30954</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>New York, NY 10011</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>-Or-</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>Todd Kreisler</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>250 E 60 Street, apt 2C,</span></p>
<p align="center" class="MsoNormal"> <span>NY, NY 10022</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> <span>For information, sign language interpreter or assistive listening device</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> <span>call: TEL/FAX 718-261-3737 - <a href="http://www.disabledinaction.org" target="_blank"><span><font color="#3333ff">www.disabledinaction.org</font></span></a></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> <span>Please support our scent-free environment by abstaining from perfume and cologne!</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> <u><span>DIA meeting dates for 2013</span></u><span>:</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> <span>June 9 </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> <span>July 14 (No meeting) </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> <span>August 11 (No meeting) </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> <span>September 8 </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> <span>October 6 </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> <span>November 17 </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> <span>December 08 (Party)</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> </p>
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