[Nyagdu] conference Call Report

Margo and Elmo margo.downey at verizon.net
Tue Feb 3 02:21:40 UTC 2009

Hi, Nyagdu listers.

We had a good conference call this evening.  the attendees were:  margo, Julie Phillipson, marion Gwizdala, Cheryl Echevarria, Tracy Carcione, and Daryl from Mimi's Pupcakes.  

we began the call with a discussion of fund-raising with Mimi's Pupcakes.  she sells the Pupcakes wholesale to us at a minimum of $100 per order.  she does not make peanut butter for her cookies now with the peanut recalls.  she sells half pound packagesof pupcakes, she sells the lollipups, and she sells individual cookies.  We decided to research venues to fund raise with the pupcakes.  she mentioned tht Agility shows are not often good places to sell these since many agility dog owners make their own cookies.  We talked about home shows, dog shows, famers' markets, street fairs, bazaars, marathons and walkathons, paws in the park to benefit the ASPCA, and so on.  Daryl is excited to be working with us.

next, we talked about the re-writing of the nagdu constitution and the writing of the Model constitution for State divisions.  this will not affect the present Nyagdu constitution, and if there is something we need to change, it'll need to be by amendment.  the new constitution will spell out the fact that if you belong to Nyagdu, you also belong to Nagdu and the NFB.  a membership list will need to be provided from ech division prior to national Convention and if your name is on the list, you don't pay Nagdu dues.  

Margo and Elmo

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