[Nyagdu] Conference Call REminder

Margo and Elmo margo.downey at verizon.net
Fri Jan 30 16:41:33 UTC 2009

Conference call February 2, 2009 at 8 p.m.

Dial in number:  712-432-0080
Access code:  333819

I won't  send out a formal agenda this time because we will be talking about Mimi's Pupcakes with Daryl and perhaps other topics plus the re-writing of the nagdu constitution and how that affects Nyagdu.  We will have open discussion.  if anyone has agenda items to add to our discussion, let me know.

cheryl, remind Daryl please.

I don't think Joyce Carrico has email at home yet so will call her this weekend.

margoa nd Elmo               

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