[Nyagdu] let's all take a deep breath

Margo and Arrow margo.downey at verizon.net
Mon Nov 2 16:39:45 UTC 2009

Okay, let's all take a deep breath.  Cheryl, you brought up valid points; Tracy, so have you.  

I think this morning some buttons got pushed.  Let's un-push them and either have a policy like national's or figure out what to do in instances when someone does not act like, to use Tracy's words, a responsible adult.  

I am sure we've all encountered instances when we've had to follow a policy because of actions of a few.   It is unfortunate that many of our laws and policies are made because of actions of a few people.  

Tracy and Cheryl have made very valid points.

marion or Julie or others, please chime in.  Let's see what we  end up doing.  

This is our division.  

Margo and Arrow

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