[Nyagdu] elections

Margo and Arrow margo.downey at verizon.net
Sun Sep 20 22:22:12 UTC 2009

We need to have elections this year for NYAGDU.  

I'll be glad to run for president but would also entertain other interested nominations.  We have two candidates for vice president--Joyce Carrico and Cheryl Echevarria.  Julie wishes to only retain the title of Treasurer and so we need a Secretary.  Anyone wishing to take the title of Secretary, please let me know.  Actually, any people interested in offices, please let me know.  


If we do split the offices of Secretary andTreasurer, we may need to  amend our Constitution a bit more--gotta look at that.


if anyone is from new York and would like to attend the Nyagdu Division meeting at state convention, convention is October 23, 24 and 25.  The division meeting will be on Saturday at 7 in the hotel restaurant.  We will order from the choices the hotel gives us for our free breakfasts.  

Margo and Arrow

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