[Nyagdu] NAGDU on Radio Show

Marion Gwizdala blind411 at verizon.net
Wed Dec 21 17:50:01 UTC 2011

Dear All,
    I am writing to remind you that "Through Our Eyes" with Joe Ruffalo will feature an interview with me during the second half of the show which begins at 8:00 pm Eastern. To listen/view log into:


for screen users:


Click/Enter on the listen to get the audio only or go a bit further down the page for the view and click/enter there for audio and video,  To phone in with a suggestion, comment, or just a shout out call 1 888 572 0141.

Fraternally yours,
Marion Gwizdala, President
National Association of Guide Dog Users (NAGDU)
National Federation of the Blind
President at NAGDU.ORG

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