[Nyagdu] Questions for Nagdu Hotline

Margo and Arrow margo.downey at verizon.net
Sat Feb 26 17:38:52 UTC 2011

Hi, everyone.  

the Nagdu Hotline will be launched very soon.  president marion Gwizdala will let us know about that.

A committee has been formed to develop a list of questions and answers to be used as part of determining what goes on the Hotline, the training of people to man the Hotline, etc.  

We are asking all of you to submit questions that you believe people will ask when calling the Hotline.  to start your brainstorming, think of the following questions:  Someone has dialed into the Nagdu Hotline.  what does this person want to know?  What situation is this person dealing with?  

Please do not submit questions to the lists.  

Please submit your questions to me at the following email address:

margo.downey at verizon.net

I will pass your submissions to the other committee members.  We will accept question submissions until March 8.  

thanks for your assistance.

Margo downey chairperson,
Ad Hoc Hotline Q and A Committee

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