[Nyagdu] FW: Canine Camp Getaway

cheryl echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 10 12:00:52 UTC 2012

Some have written on list and off list to find out more about the Canine Camp Getaway, that I posted earlier this week.  I had e-mailed them to find out more, especially with taking our guides with us, since they are not trained to do certain things.  Please read below, should anyone have questions that I can ask Janice, please let me know.  This might be something that maybe NYAGDU, as maybe do as a group event, since Margo Downey is President of NYAGDU and is on both lists, this is something I want to further discuss with her.
Cheryl Echevarria, PresidentTravel and Tourism DivisionNational Federation of the Blind

Leading the Way in Independent Travel!

Cheryl Echevarria
reservations at echevarriatravel.com

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From: Janice at caninecampgetaway.com
To: cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Canine Camp Getaway
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2012 18:06:20 -0700

Hi Cheryl--
Thanks so much for your interest in Canine Camp Getaway! 
In answer to your question, we have had a couple of guests with personal service dogs attend our camp in the past (one for a woman with MS, one for someone in a wheelchair due to a neurological disorder), but have not to date had a guest with a guide dog. 
Interestingly, Guide Dog Foundation is one of the camp charities (we choose several, which are the beneficiaries of our Silent Auction), as I have a particular interest in service dogs (my older dog was trained to help me with some medical issues relating to an inner ear disorder, and I did some work with Canine Companions for Independence some years back).
As far as whether our camp be a good fit for a guest with a guide dog, I think I would depend on the guest, on what experiences they and their dog would be looking to enjoy during their time at camp, on what limitations they might have, and what special concerns/needs might be present. I know there are some activities that service dogs are not supposed to participate in because they encourage behaviors (chasing or prey drive) that would be inappropriate to their daily duties. But we also offer a pretty broad array of activities to choose from, as our dogs are as diverse as our guests, and they include a wide range of ages, interests and abilities. 
I would love to chat with you further to find out more about NAGDU and to explore whether this might be a good fit. I'd be happy to give you a call at your convenience, or you can reach me by phone at 877-592-2674 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            877-592-2674      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
All the best,

Janice CostaOwner/FounderCanine Camp Getaway of NYwww.caninecampgetaway.com877-K9-CAMPG begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            877-K9-CAMPG      end_of_the_skype_highlighting (877-592-2674 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            877-592-2674      end_of_the_skype_highlighting)Fax: 877-K9-CAMPG (877-592-2673)Janice at caninecampgetaway.com
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