[Nyagdu] I saw this online for the post office Postage stamps Dogs at Work 65¢

Lucy Marr septembergirl95 at gmail.com
Thu May 24 14:25:48 UTC 2012

The guide dog on the stamps is Charlie, a male yellow lab who is now 
retired. Mary Lou Mendez has him and she is a member of the Syracuse 

Take care,

Lucy and Seeing Eye dog Vader
septembergirl95 at gmail.com

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he 
knows that you are slightly cracked.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "cheryl echevarria" <cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com>
To: "nyagdu" <nyagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 10:03 AM
Subject: [Nyagdu] I saw this online for the post office Postage stamps Dogs 
at Work 65¢

I don't know if anyone realized that there was a postage stamp honoring 
working dogs, if I am behind I am sorry about this.
I am buying some of myself, I don't use stamps that much. But I like to 
collect them.
Just passing this along.
Dogs have become more than just best friends — they've also become our 
coworkers. From guide dogs to therapy dogs to search and rescue dogs, these 
stamps from the U.S. Postal Service® honor the enduring partnership between 
dogs and people. This set of four Dogs at Work stamps depicts four 
hard-working canines: a guide dog assisting a woman who is blind, a tracking 
dog on the trail of a scent, a therapy dog visiting an elderly woman in her 
home, and a search and rescue dog standing in a field, ready to tackle the 
next assignment.For thousands of years, dogs and humans have shared a 
special bond. While the earliest dogs helped human hunters bring home prey, 
today's pooches excel at a variety of jobs. Currently, some 10,000 guide 
dogs in the U.S. and Canada serve as an extra set of eyes for people who are 
blind. Therapy dogs, chosen for their friendly dispositions, bring comfort 
and joy to the elderly and the ill. Dogs that work with police and military 
personnel are trained to detect drugs, guns, and explosives. Search and 
rescue dogs speed up search efforts, increasing the odds of survival for 
disaster victims.Artist John M. Thompson created original paintings for the 
stamps, which were designed by art director Howard E. Paine. The Dogs At 
Work stamps are being issued at a 65-cent denomination, which is the price 
for single-piece retail First-Class Mail weighing more than one ounce and up 
to and including two ounces.Made in the USA.Issue Date: January 20, 
2012Issue City: Merrifield, VA 22081 (Field Event)

Leading the Way in Independent Travel!
Cheryl Echevarria, 

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