[Nyagdu] Nyagdu Conference Call Info

Margo and Arrow margo.downey at verizon.net
Mon Jan 7 02:30:03 UTC 2013

I sent out a message last week regarding the Nyagdu (New York Association of Guide Dog Users) confedence call at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, January 10, 2013 with the topic, "Peaceful Negotiations in Confrontive Situations." Here are the dial-in instrctions:

Call 712-432-6453.

When you hear,  "If you have heard this message before, press pound", you can then press  pound. Then, press 1 at the main  menu.  When asked for the room code, enter 692438 pound. 692438 spells nyagdu.

I hope that you all will beable to attend our call. We look forward to interacting with you. 

Margo Downey, President, New York Association of Guide Dog Users

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