[Nyagdu] Marshals for Nagdu meetings

Margo and Arrow margo.downey at verizon.net
Mon Jun 3 02:57:33 UTC 2013

Hi, everyone.  I am the Deputy Marshal for our Nagdu meetings at convention.
A marshal directs people so that they can find the location of a meeting or
event.  The marshal calls out the directions from where the marshal is
standing to the meeting location.  One marshal needs to stand fairly close
to the meeting room and the other two marshals need to stand at other
locations.  For example, a marshal would stand somewhat close to the meeting
room but not right by it, another marshal  could stand by the grand
staircase; another marshal  could stand by the escalators.  

Tina Thomas and I are marshaling both meetings.  I need a third marshal to
marshal either the Monday or Wednesday meeting or both.

The marshals need to be in place by 5:45 because registration for each
meeting will take place at 6 p.m.  

If you'd like to be a marshal at either or both meetings, please write me
off list at

Margo.downey at verizon.net

I'll wait a few days to figure out who our other marshals will be.  When I
decide, I'll need your cell phone number and of course, we'll all have each
others' cell phone numbers so we can communicate if need be.  

The Nagdu meetings are
Monday, July 1.  Registration begins at 6 and the meeting begins promptly at
7 p.m.. in salon 4 level 2 of the Rosen Centre.

Wednesday, July 3 with registration beginning at 6 and meeting starts
promptly at 7 in Salon 10 on Level 2 of the Rosen Centre.

We'll marshal from 5:45 p.m. until just about time for the meeting to start.
Marshals will need to give ourselves a chance to register.  

Please write me off list at

Margo.downey at verizon.net


Margo and Arrow

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