[Nyagdu] Training Programs at the NAGDU Meeting

National Association of Guide Dog Users blind411 at verizon.net
Thu Jun 27 17:57:40 UTC 2013

Dear All,

                I wanted to let everyone know about the schedule for our
Wednesday, July 3 meeting. The meeting will be held in Salon 10, Level 2.
Registration will begin at 6:00 and will close at 6:50 p.m. The meeting will
begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday's agenda includes Old Business, New
Business and elections for Vice President, Treasurer, and one Board member. 

                Following the business meeting, we will hear from training
programs concerning the Guide Dog Consumers' Bill of Rights. The training
programs that have notified us of their intention to make presentations are
as follows:


Paul Lopez, Gide Dogs for the Blind

Wells Jones, Guide Dog Foundation

Rod Haneline, Leader Dogs for the Blind

Wells Jones, The Seeing Eye


I want to commend each of these programs for their willingness to dialogue
with us and offer us their input on this document. If the program from which
you received your guide dog is not represented, you may want to contact them
about their position on the Guide Dog Consumers' Bill of Rights. This
document is attached to this message. I look forward to seeing many of you
in Orlando!

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