[Nyagdu] NAGDU & the 75 Days of Action

Marion Gwizdala blind411 at verizon.net
Sat Jun 28 21:01:54 UTC 2014

Dear all,

                I have been working with Kevan Worley who is chairing the 75
Days of Action Committee. NAGDU will be participating in the 75 Days of
Action and intend to organize at least two more NAGDU affiliate divisions
during that time. If you have a Guide  Dog Users' committee in your
affiliate you want to organize into a full-fledged NAGDU affiliate division,
please consider doing so during the 75 Days of Action and get in touch with
me to make it happen! My contact information is below my signature.


Fraternally yours,


Marion Gwizdala, President

National Association of Guide Dog Users Inc.

National Federation of the Blind

(813) 626-2789

(888) 624-3841 (Hotline)

President at nagdu.org



High expectations create unlimited potential for the blind!



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