[Oabs] Fund-raising Committee Report

Emily Pennington emilypennington at fuse.net
Sat Mar 1 02:36:28 UTC 2014

Hi, Oabsters.

Attached is my report for this month's committee meeting. I'll also paste it
below. As always, feel free to ask any questions and/or voice any thoughts.





Fund-raising Committee Report

February 28, 2014


A.  Bookmark Fund-raiser

1.  Clovernook is a no-go; they have too many orders to fill.

2.  Ryan and Lillie have contacted National Braille Press and Horizons,
respectively, and will hopefully hear from them shortly.  Abby will contact
the Cincinnati Association for the Blind, and we will keep in touch over the
next couple of weeks as we pick an organization to make our bookmarks.


B.  Ohio Raffle

1.  We already have two $10 gift cards from the Capital chapter, and we hope
to get more with the recent publicity on Ohio-Talk.

2.  Abby and Kaiti will soon have the bank account set up, and we will use
an online payment system for those who are able.

3.  Abby and I will both keep track of the ticket purchases.

4.  We had an idea about how the raffle could go.  We make the final due
date April 15th, but we do the drawing in stages.  We would give two or
three different prizes away on, say, March 20.  By doing this, we hope that
the winners would spread their excitement to others who would purchase
tickets for a second drawing of two or three prizes on, say, March 31.  We
could make our last due date on April 15th.  We are confident that we will
get sufficient chapter donations to do this, and we think this could create
maximum hype and publicity.  The last drawing prize would be really cool and
likely the most valuable of all.


C.  Music Fund-raiser

1.  As discussed last month, we would have a couple of variety,
cabaret-esque shows throughout the summer to raise money.  We all have
musical talent, and this would be a great way to raise money and donations.

2.  We may do some venues for free just to get our names out there, and Abby
- our main liaison making this happen - is doing the brunt of the
communication and coordination.

3.  Venues we had in mind included retirement homes, Jim and Jack's on the
River, churches around the Greater Cincinnati area, and any others people
may have in mind.

4.  We will coordinate performance dates - as well as a rehearsal schedule -


Respectfully submitted,

Emily Pennington: Committee Chairperson


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