[Oabs] advertising directory officially started,

Lillie Pennington lilliepennington at fuse.net
Wed Sep 17 02:50:40 UTC 2014

Hello  Everyone, 


If you are in the membership dropbox, you may have seen that I started an
advertising directory spreadsheet. This was a recommendation from a student
slate article in which we were urged as a state devision to create a list of
disability service contacts from all of the universities in Ohio. 

I typed all of the names in from the website recommended in the article
about a month ago. I started filling in some of the colleges today. I am not
going in order (I'm googling to see if I can find websites with direct links
to multiple DSS offices), and not all of the fields are filled in. But its
started. Feel free to fill in what you wish. I will be periodically filling
in wholes and such. I would love to have this done before convention, but
not sure if that will happen. 


Also, about halfway down the spreadsheet there is an error on my part. I
typed in name of university and other contact info at the top and then the
colleges. Well, when I sorted the a column in alphabetical order the name
column at the top went with it, so if you see it, ignore it and feel free to
delete it. 


Also, I am working on making the tickets for the drawing on Saturday and
hope to have those done tomorrow. Tonight was rather hectic for me so that
just didn't get done. 


Let me know if you have any questions as to how I ddi things. 


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