[Oabs] Fund – raising meeting this Friday night

Emily Pennington emilypennington at fuse.net
Thu Sep 25 15:52:04 UTC 2014

Hi, bOABSters.
Based on the feedback I received in the last couple of weeks, we will hold our fundraising meeting at the same time as we did last year; that is, on Fridays at 8 o'clock. I appreciate the responses I received, and I encourage any who are interested in joining the committee to come to this Friday's fundraising meeting. Since we had some difficulties with our regular conference line, I am going to have us use the Cincinnati fundraising committee line, which worked well last week. Please call 559–7 26–1300, and enter code 435800. Our agenda will include discussion of the bookmark fundraiser, planning for our split the pot fundraiser at state convention, talking about raffling off a basket for the auction, and planning for the students to conduct Christmas carols at the Cincinnati Christmas party on December 15. We will also wrap up our raffle fundraiser and talk about the details of what we would like to do next time versus what we did this time, what worked, once did not work, and so on and so forth. We have a packed agenda, but I hope to keep the meeting under an hour long. I hope everybody can make it. I am looking forward to a fabulous year.


Sent from my iPhone

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