[Oabs] Resources Mentioned in the Back to/Welcome to College Conference Call

William Yznaga wyznaga at gmail.com
Sat Aug 19 18:32:54 UTC 2017

During the conference call today, August 19 2017, several useful resources
were mentioned in connection with college life as a blind student. These

The NFB Self-Advocacy Toolkit: learn how to defend your rights; request the
accommodations, testing resources and formats, and accessibility
technologies you need; all in one place at the NFB website. Revised and
updated by the NFB national organization to version 2.0.


Upcoming accessibility tech:

- Seeing AI by Microsoft, a smartphone-camera-based assistant for the
visually-impaired and blind


- The upcoming Perkins Orbit Low-Cost Refreshable Braille Display


- Innovative assistive products from the 2017 Assistive Technologies

a continuous talking virtual navigation assistant that describes scenes and

a self-stabilizing spoon utensil;

and Hearing AI by Microsoft


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