[Oagdu] housing accomidations

Abigail Bolling abigail.me.bolling94 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 21:00:07 UTC 2015

Hi all,
So apparently now, I must sign a contract each year to have my service 
animal in campus housing.
What worries me is there are two places in said contract where it says 
something to the effect of If a student has a service animal, their 
housing may be changed if another resident has a fear or allergy to the 
Am I wrong in thinking that this statement is just shy of being illegal?

Here is the exact wording of the contract:

he student is responsible for assuring that the
does not unduly interfere
with the routine activities of the residence or cause difficulties for 
students who reside
there. Sensitivity to residents with allergies and to those who fear 
animals is
to ensure the peace of the residential community.
Disability Services and Residence
Life & Housing will work with students in situations where an 
accommodation for an
Animal negatively impacts another student covered by the Americans with 
Act. Housing relocation may be utilized to
resolve such conflicts.

Residence Life
& Housing
has the authority to relocate a student and the
per current contractual agreements.

What do yall think of this?
The school is also asking for propper documentation that Cricket is in 
fact a service dog... but, no one will tell me what those documents are 
or how I can get them! Which, if they have a problem once I get on 
campus, pardon my unprofessional opinion, but, they will not like me 
very much at all!

Anyway, I was just wanting to know yall's thoughts on this new 
development. If anyone is interested, I can send out a copy of the 
entire contract.


Abigail Bolling
Wright State University-2018: Rehabilitation Services
Phone: (513) 512-3456
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