[Oagdu] Leader Dogs resolution.

Angel angel238 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jul 8 15:31:58 UTC 2015

I think people truly concerned about this lamentable state of affairs should:  Not only strongly protest to Leader Dogs; perhaps they are unaware of how horrible an organization they have chosen to accredit the school, but should talk to the schools  benefactor, the Lions Clubs, both local and national.  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Aleeha Dudley via Oagdu 
  To: Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users List 
  Cc: blindcowgirl1993 at gmail.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2015 10:16 AM
  Subject: Re: [Oagdu] Leader Dogs resolution.

  That is because of Nac's constant fight against blind people and what is best for them. The fact that Leader has affiliated with NAC is a terrible thing. People who have graduated from NAC centers in the past have not had the skills they need. The accreditation means nothing. It's all about the money. 

  Sent from my iPhone

  On Jul 8, 2015, at 9:25 AM, Chris Tolle via Oagdu <oagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:


    When there are so many other major impacting people impacting dog impacting issues going on, why wouldn't NFB national convention arm take such a position against any guy dog training program?   

    Whether people want to believe it or not we're all in the same boat.   Leader dogs, Seeing Eye, guide dogs for the blind, ET see… They're all here to help those of us who need a quality well-trained well-prepared dog to acquire one.   Perhaps it would be a good time for me to ask what weight this particular resolution has in the grand scheme of things.

    Not the voice of dissension, more of inquiry. I am a bit surprised to see such strong language in a resolution. Especially a resolution that appears to condemn one particular training school or any training school or all training schools depending on the position for attempting to acquire necessary funding to continue to provide us with quality Guide POGS. 

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Jul 8, 2015, at 8:58 AM, Deanna Lewis via Oagdu <oagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:

      Good Morning,

      I wanted to pass this resolution along to you all, as I do know that we have a few Leader Dogs users on this list. 

      I may be wrong, but it looks like Nagdu voted on this last night, and it was approved by Nagdu members. Then, it will be presented to the entire Convention tomorrow for an official vote. I am very interested to hear the comments from people at Convention about this resolution.


      Resolution 2015-05
      Regarding Leader Dogs for the Blind's Accreditation by NAC

      WHEREAS, in 1989 the International Federation of Guide Dog Schools for the Blind, later known as the International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF), was formed to create and promulgate standards for the operation and administration of guide dog training programs throughout the world; and

      WHEREAS, the IGDF today has over eighty member guide dog training programs around the world, including thirteen in the United States; and

      WHEREAS, US-member guide dog training programs include Guide Dogs for the Blind, the Seeing Eye, and Leader Dogs for the Blind, the three largest guide dog training programs in the United States; and

      WHEREAS, the standards of the IGDF are well known as a solid model for guide dog training program operation and administration; and

      WHEREAS, in January 2015 Leader Dogs for the Blind announced that it had received accreditation by the National Accreditation Council for Blind and Low Vision Services (NAC), an organization formed in the 1960s supposedly to create and promulgate standards for the operation of agencies serving the blind but which, in fact, has never provided a good model for the operation and administration of any agency; and

      WHEREAS, NAC has no expertise in the guide dog arena, and any attempt by NAC to accredit guide dog training programs can serve only to undermine the efforts of the IGDF; and

      WHEREAS, in the past Leader Dogs for the Blind, recognizing the worthless nature of NAC’s alleged accreditation, resisted attempts by NAC to accredit it and stood with consumers in opposing the shoddy and irrelevant standards NAC attempted to use to gain credibility among the ranks of guide dog training programs and their consumers; and

      WHEREAS, Leader Dogs’ past vigorous opposition to NAC accreditation was expressed in part through a letter from Harold L. Pocklington, then-executive director of Leader Dogs for the Blind, to NAC’s president, and published in the February 1986 issue of the Braille Monitor, which said:

      We believe we can handle our own affairs. If the dog guide training programs don't respond to your suggestions, it may be they don't believe the method of accreditation can be done only by you. We believe we can be our own judge of operation, without any help from NAC or a committee NAC might appoint. We are not indifferent, unaware, or apathetic. We just believe if it ain't broke, don't fix it; and

      WHEREAS, the purpose of NAC has always been to undermine and thwart the right of the organized blind to speak on behalf of blind consumers and Leader Dogs’ affiliation with NAC has the same effect in seeking to minimize the voice of the blind; and

      WHEREAS, Leader Dogs receives a significant amount of its funding from Lions International and from individual Lions clubs; and

      WHEREAS, any money spent by Leader Dogs in seeking and obtaining accreditation by NAC is a misuse of the support provided by its donors and can only encourage the efforts of an outdated and useless agency, NAC, to attempt to gain financial support from other guide dog training programs that it approaches in its attempts to convince them to accept its irrelevant and meaningless accreditation: Now, therefore,

      BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind in Convention assembled this ninth day of July, 2015, in the city of Orlando, Florida, that this organization condemn and deplore Leader Dogs for the Blind’s accreditation by and consequent support of NAC; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this organization demand that Leader Dogs for the Blind take immediate steps to terminate its accreditation by NAC; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we call on Lions International and individual Lions clubs to cease their funding of Leader Dogs for the Blind until it terminates its accreditation by NAC; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this organization urge all guide dog training programs to resist any attempts by NAC to accredit them and insist instead that all guide dog training programs in the United States support the legitimate standards and accreditation of the IGDF.

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