[Oagdu] Reminder: Facing Blindness: a discussion sponsored by the seniors division

Deanna Lewis DLewis at clovernook.org
Wed Mar 14 17:05:56 UTC 2018

Just a reminder in case you are interested in participating on this conference call.

On Sunday, March 18, at 7:00 p.m. we will conduct a discussion aimed at helping those adjusting to blindness. We are the seniors division, but this invitation is not just for people 55 or older. It is aimed at anyone struggling with vision loss. We will decide together what to discuss. Help is available. Please spread the word to those who may need this activity but would not otherwise hear about it. This will be a conference call discussion. We expect it to be monthly. The content will be shaped by the participants. Please dial in to see what is gong on. 

The call-in number is (712) 775-7031
Access code: 240 281 423 pound 

Thank you for your help,
Barbara Pierce, President, Ohio organization of the Senior Blind barbara.pierce9366 at gmail.com <mailto:barbara.pierce9366 at gmail.com>

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