[OAGDU] Gavel Report - Second Request

Jackie schiemja at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 20:03:45 UTC 2024

Hey everyone!

Sending this out again because I literally only got one response. Please take 10 minutes and reflect on your past year and get back to me. This report is due by October 1st I believe. 

I’m starting to put together the gavel report for OAGDU. Trying to get a jump start on this. Please email me off list at schiemja at gmail.com if you have anything (even small) to add to the report. The questions are listed below:

Please let me know if you are signed up with Newsline. 

If you have done any presentations or talks. 

Have you participated in any community programs?

Have you done any advocacy work?

Do you use social media for advocacy?

Have you participated with another division or chapter? Are you a leader in any chapter or division? Have you attended any other chapter or division programs?

Are you involved with the state affiliate in any way?

Have you participated in any of the national events?

Have you participated in any of the divisions fundraising activities?

Have you done anything to promote legislative initiatives?

All of these questions are for the past year starting October 1st, 2023. 

Thank you for your help!!!


Jaclyn Schiemann
schiemja at gmail.com

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