[Ohio-Communities-of-Faith] FW: [CWWC] A group of Quotes.

mmoore11 at kent.edu mmoore11 at kent.edu
Wed Apr 7 13:23:56 UTC 2021

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From: committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io <committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io> On Behalf Of Penny Golden via groups.io
Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 8:46 AM
To: committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io
Subject: EXT: [CWWC] A group of Quotes.

I received this from a friend. Thought you might like some of these.


   Many blush to confess their faults, who never blush to commit them. — William Secker

The conscience is not to be healed if it be not wounded. — William Perkins

Whatsoever we have over-loved, idolized, and leaned upon, God has from time to time broken it, and made us to see the vanity of it; so that we find the readiest course to be rid of our comforts is to set our hearts inordinately upon them. — John Flavel.

Better be pruned to grow, than cut up to burn!  — John Trapp.

The more we perceive beauty, purity and holiness in Jesus, the more we see of our own defilement.  — William Burrows

God is in the Remnant business today; not converting the world, He is taking out a people for His name.  — Vance Havner

This world is not our rest. This is the house of our pilgrimage. — Vance Havner

How many indulge a hope which they dare not examine! — William Nevins

Ours is a saving God. Salvation is in His reach, though it be beyond the reach of the sinner.  — Jay Wimberly

The glory of God is the supreme end of all He does. – John Gill Faith in Jesus is the best evidence of interest in Jesus. – Samuel Eyles Pierce Peter once disowned the Lord, but the Lord never disowned Peter. – James Wells.
Doctrinal error is as great an enemy to sanctification as vice itself. – J. H. Evans A bag of wind may be easily mistaken for a sack of corn till you lift it or open it up! – Anon.
Let what will come, they who are in Christ will be safe; let the fire, the deluge come, you are safe in the Rock. – William Romaine Covenant love is the glory of the Gospel and will be the chorus of heaven. – Joseph Irons Christ is the nourishment, and Faith is the means whereby the food is conveyed to the heart. – William Gadsby Some of you are a vast deal too well, and so the Physician passes you by. – J. A. Wallinger What a mercy that my Judge is my Saviour; He is my Justifier. – William Romaine If you are ever left to yourselves, you will surely fall and be found amongst the reprobate. – J. A. Wallinger We need the Spirit as well as the Word. “Power belongeth unto God,” not merely to ink and paper. – Anonymous Is SINNER thy name? Then JESUS alone can save thee! – T. B.
Spiritual understanding is actually feeling within oneself that God’s Spirit has taken the things of Christ and showed them to us. – Tobias Crisp When Jesus came into the world, the world immediately turned Him out of doors. – John Berridge God pardons once and forever as a Judge, but daily as a Father. – Anonymous A faith not worth having is a mere intellectual act of the mind, but true faith is the operation of God in the heart. – J. A. Wallinger True believers learn lessons of dependence; and finding their own powerlessness, they are taught to live upon a mighty God, and so find the excellency of the power is all in Him, not in themselves. – J. A.
Let others prattle of their works, and one sinner praise another; I will sing of the mercy of the LORD. – John Berridge How unspeakably awful, that men must go to Hell to learn the truth and will not learn it before! – Richard Cecil Dear Believer, the oath of God is taken, the promise of Christ is given, the influence of the Holy Ghost is pledged in your behalf — you shall never perish! – William Parks When God’s grace touches the heart, men are in earnest to get to Christ by faith and to get to God by repentance. — Tom L. Daniel We must be extremely careful that the Christ we profess to follow is indeed the very Christ of God. — A. W. Tozer However dark and negative the Sovereignty of God in election and predestination may appear to many, these very truths give me HOPE! — W.
All those who are taught by the blessed Spirit will be tried and exercised whether they have a right faith, and whether God has really begun the work of grace upon them. – William Tiptaft Some question how one could find blessings in mourning, but Christ has pronounced it so. – Anonymous The Gospel shows that God for Christ’s sake is merciful unto sinners, yea, to such as are most unworthy. – Martin Luther Pharaoh and Saul confessed their sin, Judas repented himself of his doings, Esau sought the blessing carefully with tears — and yet none of these had a heart rightly broken or a spirit truly contrite. – John Bunyan Deceivers, if it were possible would deceive God’s elect; but that is impossible, for “they shall be all taught of God” (John 6:45). – Stephen Offer Christ is precious to such souls that count all other things but dung for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ’s love. – William Tiptaft Many who are called Christians are guilty of indulging in sin — but not for long, if they are truly the called of God to be conformed to the image of Christ. – Anonymous When the Holy Spirit convinces of sin, all self-righteousness, all dependence upon our religion and morality, tumble like Babylon to the ground. – John Cennick No soul who knows Christ’s worth, and loves His person, could ever speak lightly of Him. – William Huntington It continues an infallible rule, that he who does not yet abhor all sin, and who is not in earnest to renounce every sin, does not possess true faith. – H. Franke The way for us not to lose our way, is to receive nothing from man but what bears the stamp of Scripture. – Augustus Toplady How heavenly a thing it is to be dead, and dumb, and deaf, to this world’s sweet music! – Samuel Rutherford What a deplorable condition has our sin put us into, that there must be all this work of the Trinity to save us! – John Bunyan God saw to it that if any creature worshipped Him, he must worship Him ONLY — he could not worship something else AND God. – W. J. Berry I wonder many times how a child of God can have a sad heart, considering what his Lord is preparing for him. – Samuel Rutherford Am I one with Christ? Then God is one with me; all Heaven is at peace with me; only sinners and demons are opposed to me. – Anonymous There is no eye that is quicker to see the mercy of God than an eye that is washed with the tears of repentance. – C. H. Spurgeon God’s people value each other’s prayers, regardless of their denominational differences. – Anonymous God will never turn a deaf ear to the faintest prayer of the weakest saint. – A. H. Roden Whenever the going seems easy, make sure you are not going downhill! – The Defender Some wish to lead and some are content to follow. If you are the leader, are you leading the people to follow Jesus? If you are following, are you following godly, Christ-honoring leaders? – Anonymous Many have puzzled themselves about the origin of evil:  I observe there is evil, and that there is a way to escape, and with this I begin and end. – John Newton I can conceive a living man without an arm or a leg, but not without a head or a heart; so there are some truths essential to vital religion, and which all awakened souls are taught. – John Newton World conquerors have usually failed because they did not take the trouble to conquer themselves. – Milford Hall Sr.
How precious is that which is gained when we give up anything for Christ’s sake! — Mabel Berry Do you feel that you have attained to a very high degree of grace? You have certainly not attained it, if you think you have. – C. H. Spurgeon If the Lord has shown you what is right, it is not worth your while to know how many ways there are of being wrong. – John Newton Salvation is of God alone; ’tis He who breaks the heart of stone, Who makes self-righteousness to cease, And gives the troubled conscience peace. – Thomas Kelly A Christian in worldly company should be like a traveler in a storm — making haste get out of it. – Anonymous Many are little enough to be big in their own esteem, but few are big enough to know themselves little. – John Leland

Neutrality in religion means you have already completely surrendered to the Devil! – Anonymous

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