[Ohio-Communities-of-Faith] FW: [CWWC] "Not Crushed"

Michael Moore mmoore11 at kent.edu
Mon Dec 13 18:14:10 UTC 2021



From: committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io
[mailto:committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io] On Behalf Of trish via
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2021 12:53 PM
To: Undisclosed recipients:
Subject: EXT: [CWWC] "Not Crushed"


"Not Crushed"

There are times that the oddest things catch my attention. For example, I am
fascinated about the ball in United States football. This relatively small,
oddly-shaped ball is constantly crushed beneath hundreds, and maybe even
thousands of pounds of football players, and it bounces back every time. I
have never witnessed or heard of one of these balls exploding or collapsing
under the pressure. Why is that? I cannot give you the detailed scientific
explanation, I do know that main reason is the air pressure inside the ball.

Have you ever seen a Weeble? It's a child's toy that carries the image of a
person on it, but its claim to fame is that it wobbles but it doesn't fall
down. That fascinates me, too. These little toys get knocked, pushed, and
thrown around, yet they always end upright. The reason for this wonderful
gift is due in part to their shape. But there are also strategically placed
tiny weights inside the Weeble that make it possible for it to accomplish
its feat.

Christians are a lot like the football and the Weeble you know. "But we have
this treasure in jars of clay, to show that this all-surpassing power is
from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not
crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned;
struck down, but not destroyed." (2 Corinthians 4:7-9)

One paraphrase of "jars of clay" reads, "cracked pots." That may be more
accurate, but the key here is that we are breakable, finite beings, made
from the dust of the earth.. At times life pounces on we "jars of clay,"
like a ton of football players. Other times evil pummels us with blow after
blow. Yet, Christians continue to stand firm and strong, like that little
football bouncing back and those little Weebles, wobbling but coming right
back up to our feet. The world stands in awe of the resilience of the people
of God and wonder how they can have such peace and strength amidst the
crushing blows. But we know. It's what's inside!

"This treasure" spoken of in this verse is the gospel, the light and the
person of Christ; it is the "all-surpassing power" given to us through the
abiding Holy Spirit. It is not us, but Christ in us. Though pressure
squeezes from every side, the power of Christ keeps us from being crushed.
Though perplexed with all that is happening, we do not despair, for in
Christ we know we are on the victorious side. Though we are persecuted, we
remain strong in Christ, knowing that He never abandons His people. Though
at times the blows knock us to the ground, we rise in grace and strength in
Christ, not destroyed.

"Therefore, beloved, do not lose heart. Though these jars of clay are
wasting away outwardly, inwardly Christ is renewing us day by day. These
pressuring, perplexing, persecuting, knock down times, are but light and
momentary and they are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs
them all. Let us keep our eyes fixed not on the present happenings which are
so visible to us, but upon the eternal, which is not seen by the earthly
eye, but through eyes of faith." (paraphrase of 2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

Gerry Whetstone




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