[Ohio-Communities-of-Faith] FW: [CWWC] TBV TPMMP June 6

Michael Moore mmoore11 at kent.edu
Sun Jun 6 17:47:59 UTC 2021

-----Original Message-----
From: committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io [mailto:committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io] On Behalf Of Penny Golden via groups.io
Sent: Sunday, June 6, 2021 9:33 AM
To: committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io
Subject: EXT: [CWWC] TBV TPMMP June 6

June 6

Thru Baca's Vale

"Thus saith the Lord; I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the
love of thine espousals, when thou wentes t after me in the wilderness,
in a land that was not sown." Jeremiah 2:2

If we look at salvation, we shall see that it consists of three parts;
salvation past, salvation present, and salvation future. Salvation past
consists in having our names written in the Lamb's book of life before
the foundation of the world. Salvation present consists in the
manifestation of Jesus to the soul, whereby he betroths it to himself.
And salvation future consists in the eternal enjoyment of Christ, when
the elect shall sit down to the marriage-supper of the Lamb, and be for
ever with the Lord. Now, as none will ever enjoy salvation future who
have no interest in salvation past; in other words, as none will ever be
with Christ in eternal glory whose names were not written in the book of
life from all eternity; so none will enjoy salvation future, who live
and die without enjoying salvation present. In other words, none will
live for ever with Christ in glory who are not betrothed to him in this
life by the manifestations of himself to their soul.

According to the Jewish custom, the man, at the time of betrothing, gave
the bride a piece of silver before witnesses, saying to her, "Receive
this piece of silver as a pledge that at such a time you shall become my
spouse." And the parties then exchanged rings. This meeting of the
espoused parties together, who then saw each other for the first time,
is a sweet type of the first meeting of the soul with Jesus. The damsel
had heard of the youth, but till then had never seen him; as seeking
souls hear of Jesus by the hearing of the ear, before their eyes see
him. The vail was upon her face (Gen. 24:65), as the vail is upon the
heart (2 Cor.3:15), until Jesus rends it in twain from the top to the
bottom. The bridegroom gave his betrothed a piece of silver, as a pledge
that all he had was hers. And thus Christ gives to the soul, whom he
betroths to himself by his own manifestations, a pledge, a token, a
testimony, which, in itself, is the first-fruits and assurance of
eternal glory. The parties exchanged rings, as pledges of mutual
affection and eternal faithfulness.

And thus, when Christ reveals himself to the soul in his dying love,
mutual engagements, mutual promises, mutual assurances and pledges of
faithfulness and love pass between the soul and him. "One shall say, I
am the Lord's, and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob, and
another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord." At these seasons,
"in the day of the King's espousals," the language of the soul is, "I
sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to
my taste; he brought me to the banqueting-house, and his banner over me
was love."
J.C. Philpot (1802 – 1869)

The Poor Man's Morning Portion

"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits." Psalm 68:19

Behold, my soul, what a sweet portion for thy morning meditation is
here. See what thou canst gather out of it to furnish new songs of
praise to the bountiful Lord whose mercies it records. Blessed Spirit! I
beseech thee open these precious words of thine to my view. Blessed be
the Lord, it saith, yea, so say I; blessed be Jehovah; blessed be the
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for they are the united source of all my
blessings. And blessed be the majesty and glory of God for ever, who
daily loadeth his people with benefits.

Count over, my soul, each of these blessed expressions, for every word
is weighty and ponderous. God not only gives blessings, but daily. His
mercies are constant as the morning, unceasing, continual; strength
suited to the day, and mercies adapted to every moment. Faith needs no
hoards, no banking-houses: nay, it is faith's precious property, and her
blessedness, to be always empty, in order that the sweetness of being
filled by Jesus may be the better known. But this is not all. God not
only daily gives out blessings, but loadeth his people with benefits. He
openeth the windows of heaven, and poureth out of his grace in such
fulness, that there is not room to receive. He makes their souls like
the heart of Elihu, as it is said of him, for want of vent, like new
bottles he was ready to burst. So Jesus poureth out of his love into the
souls of his redeemed, that they are overpowered with his goodness.
Knowest thou not, my soul, somewhat of this! Oh yes, I trust I do. Why
then, "blessed be God, who daily loadeth me with his benefits."

And what endears all this in a ten thousand times greater degree, is the
assurance that the whole is in a way of salvation. So saith this sweet
scripture. He that loadeth us with benefits, is the God of our
salvation. He that is our God, even he is the God of our salvation. Oh
precious, blessed consideration, then are these blessings everlastingly
secured; for he that now daily loadeth us with benefits, will
unweariedly do the same to all eternity. He is not only the portion of
his people now, but will be so for ever. He not only gives strength
equal to the day, but will himself be our strength to all eternity.

And mark it down, my soul, as the most blessed part of those daily
benefits; he that thus loadeth the soul with all the benefits of
covenant blessings, in the grace, mercy, favour, love, blood,
righteousness, and all the sweet tokens of redemption in Jesus, signs
and sealsevery one of them in his dear name: and as he said to Abraham,
so he saith to all Abraham's seed, "Fear not, I am thy shield, and thine
exceeding great reward." Shout then, my soul, and henceforth let this be
thy morning song: "Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth thee with
    Robert Hawker (1753-1827)

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