[Ohio-Communities-of-Faith] FW: [CWWC] THE BURDEN OF DISCONTENT

Michael Moore mmoore11 at kent.edu
Mon Feb 7 13:57:18 UTC 2022



From: committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io
[mailto:committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io] On Behalf Of trish via
Sent: Monday, February 7, 2022 7:24 AM
To: Undisclosed recipients:



Come to me to the most populated prison in the world.
      The facility has more inmates than bunks.
      More prisoners than plates.
      More residents than resources.

Come to me to the world's most oppressive prison. Just ask the inmates; they
will tell you.
      They are overworked and underfed.
      Their walls are bare and bunks are hard.

No prison is so populated, no prison so oppressive, and, what's more, no
prison is so permanent.    
      Most inmates never leave. They never escape. They never get released.
      They serve a life sentence in this overcrowded, underprovisioned

The name of the prison? You'll see it over the entrance. Rainbowed over the
gate are four cast-iron letters that spell out its name:
                                                    W  -  A  -  N  -  T

The prison of want. You've seen her prisoners. They are "in want."
      They want something.
      They want something bigger. Nicer. Faster. Thinner.
      They want...

They don't want much, mind you.  They want just one thing.
      One new job.
      One new car.
      One new house.
      One new spouse.
They don't want much. They want just one.
      And when they have "one," they will be happy.
      And they are right -- they will be happy.
      When they have "one," they will leave the prison.
But then it happens.
      The new car smell passes.
      The new job gets old.
      The neighbors buy a larger television set.
      The new spouse has bad habits.
      The sizzle fizzles, and before you know it, another ex-con breaks
parole and returns to jail.

Are you in prison?
      You are if you feel better when you have more and worse when you have
      You are if joy is one delivery away, one transfer away, one award
away, or one make-over away.
      If your happiness comes from something you deposit, drive, drink, or
digest, then face it
              -- you are in prison, the prison of want.

PRAYER:  "Lord, may I never doubt your saving help and your ever watchful
presence, especially in times of adversity. Fortify my faith with courage
and my hope with perseverance that I may never waver in my trust in you".

Max Lucado
"Experiencing the Heart of Jesus"



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