[Ohio-talk] Fw: Hybrid vehicle sound]

Dr. Smith jwsmithnfb at verizon.net
Mon Feb 16 23:11:40 UTC 2009

Go Robert, good job.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Spangler" <spangler.robert at gmail.com>
To: "jw >> "Dr. Smith"" <jwsmithnfb at verizon.net>; <bbpierce at pobox.com>
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 4:47 PM
Subject: [Fwd: Hybrid vehicle sound]

> Hey, here is an email that I received from the gentleman I met on the 
> plane who works at GM.  Thought I would forward it along so you could 
> read his input.
> Thanks,
> Robby 
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Hybrid vehicle sound
> Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 10:30:57 -0500
> From: keith.j.vanhouten at gm.com
> To: spangler.robert at gmail.com
> Robert,
> We met on the plane coming back from DC last week, and discussed the
> concept of hybrid vehicles producing some sound to make people with
> vision impairment more aware that a vehicle is in operation near them.
> I exchanged some email with our VP on the subject, and we do have
> someone interfacing with NFB in this regard.  It's through an industry
> trade organization called the Auto Alliance, and is made up of
> representatives from all the manufacturers.  I have not spoken with our
> representative directly about this - although, as it turns out, it
> happens to be someone I know, which is curious, since we have over 6200
> engineers in the US.  So, the short answer to your question is - yes, we
> are working with NFB on this issue.  I suspect one of the first things
> to resolve is to come up with a standard sound, that all manufacturers
> agree on, so that it becomes recognizable to the public as a vehicle.  I
> could find out who at the NFB has been the representative to the NFB if
> you'd like to find out more about it.  Perhaps you already know, and
> that person was at your conference.
> Recall that we discussed experimenting in this area with the student
> project I'm mentoring.  The competition is sponsored by General Motors,
> the Department of Energy, and the Canadian Department of Natural
> Resources.  There are 17 colleges from across the US and Canada
> competing, selected from more than 50 that submitted proposals.  The
> competition's webpage is www.ecocarchallenge.org.  I've spoken with my
> team at Virginia Tech, and we want to implement something along these
> lines in our design.  A major part of the competition is public outreach
> and education, so I think including this as part of our design will help
> in some small way with educating the public on your issue.  We're in
> year 1 of the project right now, and we'll start building the physical
> vehicles in May, after this year's design competition.
> It would be helpful to have a student with a vision impairment  near the
> university to take part in the design.  Is there a student chapter of
> NFB anywhere in Virginia?  I'm also going to make contact with the
> school's office for students with disabilities and see if we might have
> a vision impaired student on-campus that would like to participate.
>  We'd also like to invite you to be part of the project as well, if
> you're interested.
> Let me know what you think,
> *Keith Van Houten*
> Vehicle Development Engineer - N&V
> Sigma Vehicle Performance Team
> (248) 930-7723
> keith.j.vanhouten at gm.com
> General Motors Proving Ground
> 3300 General Motors Road
> Mailcode 483-344-166
> Milford, MI 48380-3726
> -- 
> Robert Spangler
> The University of Toledo
> Student Senate - Recording Secretary

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