[Ohio-talk] Fw: services for the blind
richard payne
rchpay7 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 22 13:37:36 UTC 2009
Richard Payne president Miami Valley chapter nfb
----- Original Message -----
From: joyyou
To: richard payne
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: services for the blind
Mr. Payne,
At the Commission meeting today, we voted to maintain the Bureau of Services to Visually Impaired and the Bureau of Services to Disability separate, although we were pleased to hear of the many cost-cutting efforts of both Bureaus, which included coooperative efforts.
Thanks for your note,
Joyce Young
----- Original Message -----
From: richard payne
To: joyyou at woh.rr.com ; jrsensky at aol.com ; bauerm at marietta.edu ; growick.1 at osu.edu ; licatej at roadrunner.com ; davidtwilliams at oh.rr.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 7:21 AM
Subject: services for the blind
Point of information so you could please keep in support of separate services for the blind.
* Vr counselors who assist consumers who are blind must have expertise in a
multitude of highly specialized services, such as orientation and mobility
instruction and rehabilitation teaching. This expertise can be attained only
through separate service bureaus.
* In recognition of the above, states that once had combined services are
separating services for the blind. For example, Georgia has recently created
a department of services for the blind to provide vocational rehabilitation
and other specialized services to blind people.
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