[Ohio-talk] Some Convention Reminders

Dr. Smith jwsmithnfb at verizon.net
Mon Jun 29 22:22:44 UTC 2009

1 My cell number is 740.707.5114 so use it if you have to because it will be the best way to contact me at the Convention. Please share it with those that do not have access to email.

2 Our Caucus will be held in the LaSalle b room on Level 5 of the Mariott. It will start promptly at 5-30 and I will move it along as quickly as possible because I want as many of our chapter Presidents and leders in general, to attend as much of the Back To Basics seminar as they can.
You might want to try and grab a bite before our meeting.

3 Bring your banquet tickets to the Caucus and give them to Crystal McClain with your name signed on the back if possible if yu want to sit with the rest of us. Whether you sit with us or not you will have to exchange the ticket you purchased for one that will get you a seat at some table.

Please help our new people with all of this.

4 Richard and Cindy will be publishing instructions about selling candy and turning in money. Please sell it enthusiastically and as quickly as possible because if we run out we can always get more.

5 If you have Jernigan ticket stubbs and you want me to turn them in with the rest that I have get them to me.
Just make sure you are in the drawing and make sure that Sherry has your checks made out to the NFB Of Ohio with raffle tikets in the memo line.

6 I am very serious about general session attendance this year especially if you are receiving financial assistance from us. I want our delegation area to be as full as possible as often as possible!Remember that it is sometimes very cold in the Ballroom so dress appropriately. Also, please be aware that not only should we dress appropriately for the sessions, but we should act appropriately too. Cameras are always on and not everyone is totally blind not to say that this should be an excuse for unacceptable behavior, but I hope you understand what I mean. For one example, we all get a bit tired sometimes and we might nod off briefly or yawn from time to time, but it has been my experience that some people literally camp out in the delegations and it can be quite embarrassing so let's not shine that  kind of spotlight on Ohio ok?

7 Finally I think for now, be very aware of who is around you and take care especially when leaving the hotels. I am not knocking Detroit, but I lived their for 3 years and it is imperative that you keep your wits about you at all times. This property has great security but they can't be everywhere all the time so be responsible and alert.

We are going to have a great delegation this year and a wonderful Convention so get excited.

Dr. J. Webster Smith
President National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
P.O.BOX 458 Athens, Ohio, 45701-0458
Phone Number - 740-592-6326 
"Changing What it Means to be Blind"

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