[Ohio-talk] Fw: BUCKEYE UPDATE - March 6, 2009

Dr. Smith jwsmithnfb at verizon.net
Sat Mar 7 00:37:15 UTC 2009

Let the party start!!!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. W. Smith" <jsmith1 at ohio.edu>
To: <Dr. John W Smith :>
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 3:49 PM
Subject: BUCKEYE UPDATE - March 6, 2009

> As I write this, the sun is shining and its 70 degrees outside and "it's
> all good!" But I'll make this short and sweet so I can get my party 
> started
> for the weekend.
> Convention Assistance and the Bus
> Attached to and enclosed with this update is the necessary information you
> will need to apply for financial assistance for this year's national
> convention.  If those of you receiving an electronic copy would like a 
> hard
> copy, just let me know.
> As I said in my last update, our bus this year will leave from Cincinnati
> and make stops in Dayton and Toledo before arriving in Detroit at about 
> 8pm
> on July 2nd. I will publish a more specific schedule in the 
> not-too-distant
> future. Although this round trip will not cost you anything, you will have
> to provide a $20 deposit to hold your seat and reservations, but I think
> this is prudent so that those intending to use the bus will take it
> seriously and not just say you want to use it and then back out. You will
> get your $20 back when you claim your seat on the day the bus leaves. I
> have asked Crystal McClain to oversee this process, i.e. to keep a record
> of bus reservations and those who have paid.  Please contact her at (937)
> 935-6188 or at mcmcclain at charter.net to make arrangements to make sure 
> that
> you are in the bus count. Thank you Crystal!
> President's Seminar
> I had a wonderful time in Baltimore last weekend and I learned a great 
> deal
> about the responsibilities of an affiliate president.  It was wonderful to
> meet all the other presidents and to learn some of the tricks and trades 
> of
> this job.  Some of the most valuable information for me had to do with
> hotel negotiations and other financial issues.  We were all given a 
> special
> NFB flag which we will display proudly as often as we can.  I think 
> perhaps
> even we should think about doing it at some board meetings, and maybe
> practicing our pledge a little bit?
> March 26th Event
> As you know by now the Braille coin will be released on March 26th and
> there will be quite a celebration in Baltimore that day. I'm so grateful
> that President-Emerita Pierce has agreed to represent us in those
> festivities and I'm sure that she will do it quite well.  I'm still open 
> to
> the possibility of us doing something in our state in conjunction with 
> this
> event, so keep the ideas coming.  Perhaps even several little somethings
> would be great as well.  It seems to me that doing something in 
> conjunction
> with our libraries might be  the way to go.  In any case, time is running
> out and so if we are going to do something, we need to get it in motion.
> Final Announcement
> I'm also pleased in this update to announce that Sheri Albers will take
> over our Imagination Fund coordinating job, because Everett Gavel has 
> moved
> to Louisiana.  Let's all wish him well as he pursues training at one of 
> our
> centers.  Sheri is healing nicely, and it is clear by her past efforts 
> that
> she has been a productive contributor to the Imagination Fund.
> JW 
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